Wednesday 6 April 2022

Top Tips for Becoming an Experienced Casino Player

When get started in online gambling, we have no doubt that you want to hit the ground running. After all, there are a lot of games to explore and a lot of potential money to win. Sadly, many new gamblers make a couple of small mistakes that can cost you a bomb. We want to share a couple of tips and tricks with you that should hopefully stop you from losing too much money.

Bank Roll Management

Seriously. If you know nothing about bankroll management, now is the time to learn. It is so essential. We are not going to go into depth on bankroll management here; we will save that for another post. However, just bear in mind the following:

The money you set to one side should be the amount of money you are willing to lose. Money that you can lose. Never gamble more money than you need to pay for bills etc. This may seem obvious, but many people fall into the trap of thinking “just one more” and rip into their savings. Things never pan out like that.

If you are a fan of slot machines, you need to choose your slot machine based on the size of your bankroll. If you have a larger bankroll, you will be able to play on the higher variance slots. This is because you will be able to ‘afford’ to go longer without winning anything.

Only withdraw money over the initial deposit. So, if you deposited £1000 initially, only withdraw money that you earn over the £1000 mark.

#1, Beginner’s Luck is NOT a thing

When many people play slot machines for the first time, or gamble at all for that matter, they very quickly come to realise that the wins come in thick and fast. In fact, it seems almost too easy to win. However, you must remember beginner’s luck is not a thing. Never has been. Never will be. When those wins come in thick and fast it can be tempting to wager all your money in just one go. Don’t do that. You will be kissing goodbye to all your cash.

#2, Casino Bonuses & Free Spins

Just about every casino that you play at will have casino bonuses. You are probably keen to take advantage of them. However, and I can’t stress this enough; read the terms and conditions of the bonus! So many people end up falling into the trap of not actually understanding what they are getting.

For example, there may be limits on the type of game you can bet on. There may be limits on whether you can withdraw your winnings or not. There is also likely to be an expiration date on the bonus that you will really need to pay attention to.

#3, Learn From Other Players

It does not matter whether you are playing a slot machine or a table game, I suggest that you learn from other players. Learn the ‘techniques’ required to increase your chances of winning on the games. Study their betting patterns etc. Sure, there is always going to be a house edge no matter what the casino game is, there is no such thing as a ‘mathematically beatable’ casino game, but by studying what other players do, you will be able to steer the odds in your direction!

If you are a fan of slot machines, and I know many of the readers here are, then you may want to have a couple of ‘free spins’ on the slots before you jump in and play for real. This way you will be able to determine how each of the features works. This is great if you are playing a slot for the first time. It will only take 10-20 spins. Then you can jump in and play the real thing. Hopefully, you can win some money there!

#4, Choose the Right Casino

Not every casino is the same. They may look the same, but the playing experience is entirely different. There are many new casino no wagering sites, new slot sites and all-around new gambling sites out there. We suggest that you read as many reviews as you can before you select a casino; you may even want to opt for something which has a no deposit bonus, so the risk on your part is minimal. Basically, get a feel for what the casino is going to be like before you commit in the long term.

Hopefully, these tips are helpful! Follow them, and we are optimistic that you will become an experienced player before you know it! 

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